Answer some questions, get the prize of having your name on (possibly) a(nother) news post!
Here's the first bunch of questions:
What does a fish say when it's frustrated? (fish pun)
What does one dolphin say to the other when they accidentally collide? (fish pun) answered by kisame
Skatrcusb si orteraved & oivrpcerd. answered by Riverygrey
Which genre of music am I currently partial to? (HINT: see Brony List video)
Where's the beef? answered by Tateos
What was my current (at the time of this news post) AIM icon, specifically? answered by Tateos
How many songs do I have? (closest number wins; it's over 10k but under 15k)
More questions will be added after this first bunch has been answered.
You listen to stuff that isn't shit, because you obviously don't have a bad taste in music. And if your going to listen to that smooth shit.
<a href=""> hGIjU</a>
<a href=""> g3Vlw</a>
I've been listening to good shit for a few years now.